Warren is heading to Zimbabwe today and is scheduled to meet with the Geologist on Saturday, June 12th to evaluate two sites. Warren will then return on another day to evaluate the third site as the sites are too far apart to squeeze into a 72 hour window. Warren is only permitted to stay in Zimbabwe for 72 hours at a time while is COVID test is still valid. If all goes well on the siting by the Geologist then the drill rig will be on-site within a few days to resume our Phase 2 of the drilling project.
The plan is to continue with drilling the 5 additional bore holes as planned pre-COVID to complete Phase 2. Warren is doing his best to hold the drillers to their pre-COVID quoted pricing, but time will tell if it may require additional funds due to material and labor shortages. The drillers will drill two wells this first Phase 2 trip, two wells on a second trip, and the last one on a third trip due to the distances and COVID restrictions.
As you remember, our first well was drilled and began producing water and I am pleased to report the first well is still running at 100% capacity with no problems. The water is of good quality, consistently available, and the pump is running well. The people who are serviced by the first well harvested approximately 15% more crops than the communities who were relying on rain only crops and that's even with the more than sufficient rainfall that was experienced by Zimbabwe this year. When the drought conditions return to this region, which is very likely, the people will be ready to irrigate their crops and continue harvesting life-sustaining food and drinking cool water from the well.
Please pray to God and offer thanks for the provisions He has made! Thank you for your incredibly generous support of the ongoing efforts to complete these drilling projects. May God be glorified in all that is done.
Steven Estes
