Compiled by Warren Scholtz in South Africa who serves as the Well Project Manager for wells in Zimbabwe.
Below is the summary and details of our Zimbabwe well project.
1 Well drilled.
Well and field fenced.
Sadzagwena village Upper regions Zim
Church: Sadzagwena Church of Christ.
Current 34 Households, total of 42 individual members
Well drilled: 20 December 2019
Well commissioned: Jan 2020
Well: Operating full -capacity, shares with Dare Village (Dare well is only good for a few vegetables)
5 Wells drilled. (all drilled in March-April 2020 all still upper regions of Zimbabwe.)
COVID delayed all operations.
All wells with fields are fenced.
Moshovi Village
Church: Moshovi Church of Christ
Current 17 Households, total of 39 individual members
Commissioned: Feb 2022
Well: Operating full Capacity (sharing with Razi Village has Dry well)
Razi Village
Church: Razi
Current 9 house holds, total of 17 members
Well: Dry well not commissioned.
Nyhombe Village
Church: Nyhombe Church of Christ
Current 18 house holds, total of 28 individual members
Well Commissioned: March 2022
Well: Operating at full Capacity
Dare Village
Church: Dare Church of Christ
Current 20 House holds, total 33 members
Well: Commissioned March 2022
Well: Not enough water to water fields, but they are growing a small patch of vegetables.
Chiromvati Village
Church: Chiromvati Church of Christ
Current 15 house holds, total 30 individual members
Well commissioned: March 2022
Well: Operating at full Capacity
5 Wells drilled (July 2022)
All in Lower regions of Zimbabwe.
Chamviro Village
Church: Chamviro Church of Christ
Current 45 house holds, total 62 members
Well commissioned : Oct 2022
Well: Has not been used yet for fields , but is ready for this seasons fields
Mutupurwa Village
Church: Mutupurwa Church of Christ
Current 36 House holds , total 50 members
Well commissioned: Oct 2022
Well: Not used yet for fields , but ready for this season
Fencing still in progress
Mukukuzi Village
Church: Mukukuzi Church of Christ
Current 29 House holds , total 37 members
Well commissioned: Oct 2022
Well: Not yet used for fields, but ready for this season
Fencing still in progress
Machona Village
Church: Machona Church of Christ
Current 23 house holds, total 40 members
Well commissioned: Oct 2022
Well: Not yet used for Fields , but ready for this season
Fencing still in progress
Conjane Vilage
Church: Conjane Church of Christ
Current 14 house holds , total 26 Members
Well commissioned: Oct 2022
Well: Not yet used foe fields , but ready for this season
Fencing still in progress
All fields with commissioned wells, have a water tank and sola powered pump in the well that pumps the tank full.
Once the tank is full, the fields are then flood irrigated by means of one 2-inch pipe and a number of channels dug in the fields to direct the water.
The challenge of electricity limits the method of irrigation, our brethren do not have advanced irrigation systems to water their fields, so the method of flood irrigation is used, it takes time and a good season or two, to realize the full protentional of the well water.
Rain water coverage in these fields are still a big factor in the success of the crop size. The Well has certainly been a blessing to help top up, when follow up rain fall is spaced out, and our brethren are able to at least keep the crop alive with the flood irrigation method and the amount of water available per day in the wells. This is the game changer for our brethren. They still need rain to work hand-in-hand with their fields and Wells as this certainly determines the size and yield of the crop.
