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The Opportunity is Finally Here!

Steven Estes

Dear Contributors and Supporters,

Good morning! Phase 1 is complete with successful watering of crops. Phase 2 bore holes have all been drilled with pumps and solar panels ordered for installation. SIX WELLS have been drilled in Zimbabwe and 5 out of the 6 are capable of producing enough water to irrigate crops or vegetables to feed our brethren there. It is beyond exciting to have reached this milestone in spite of all the challenges in accomplishing this goal. Many thanks go to Warren Scholtz who has been managing the project on the ground in Zimbabwe. The ultimate glory is God's as He is our Provider and Sustainer.

Here are the basic stats on the 6 wells:

  • 6 bore holes were drilled for use as water wells

  • 5 out of 6 bore holes are capable of producing between 2,000 and 3,400 liters of water per hour

  • The 5 producing wells will provide enough water to consistently grow crops and/or vegetables

  • There are 11 congregations of the Lord's people in Zimbabwe and 6 of those congregations of Christians can be sustained with the 5 wells that have been drilled to this point.

  • There are 5 more congregations who need access to water for irrigation

Quote from Warren: "You guys have done so much already and your efforts and this project will have a massive impact on our brethren’s food availability, I am forever grateful."

God has put us in the position where we can really make a difference in long-term sustenance for our brethren there in Zimbabwe.

We need at least $35,000 more in donations to complete the 5 additional water wells needed. Many of you have expressed your interest in donating when the time came that more funds were needed. The opportunity you've been waiting for is finally here!!!

We need your help! Please consider a donation of any size as every single dollar will truly make a difference in accomplishing the goal.

Please send checks to:

Lifestream Charities, Inc.

c/o Steven Estes

506 Sage Court

Highland Village, TX 75077

Or, you can contribute directly on our website at:

Please contact me directly with any questions you may have or for further details. It is a blessing to work alongside you in this effort.

With much gratitude,

Steven Estes

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